Monday, 11 February 2013

Maximum mumbai

MUMBAI - 'The City Of Dreams' as we always say....  A lot has been written on Mumbai so what it is that I wanna say......
According to me everyone in the country or rather Should I  say in the world carries an opinion for this city. You can either love it or hate it but I bet you can't be indifferent to it....... When we the people of Mumbai think about it we only think about the bad roads, badly managed traffic, pollution and a big hole in the pocket due to expensive lifestyle. However, despite of this I always wonder what is it that makes me still stick to this city. I have had opportunities in the past and I am sure a lot of them would come in future to change the city for good. There is something that glues me to the city.. After a deep deliberation I could pin down two of very important things. One is the freedom that this crowded city offers and the other is the FRIENDS that I made in this city.
Such a paradox, the most crowded city in India gives me utmost freedom to live the way I want to, to wear whatever I like, to choose an unconventional profession, to eat the world cuisine and without any pressure of inquisitive neighbours or too nosy friends or colleagues. I love every bit of freedom that this city gives. Yes I agree that it takes away more than what it gives but what all it has given till now is priceless. 
More than the freedom I would rate my friends as being instrumental in helping me love the city. I cannot forget  to mention my husband who is my  the best friend. I would have never left Ahmedabad had it not  been Tejas who was living in this city. I started my family after I moved to this city and had I not got those few unselfish people whom I call my best friends; believe me I would have never stuck to this city. They all have made these eight years very memorable. Man is a social animal and once he finds species of his type he would not want to change that habitat. I cherish every relationship that I created after coming to this city. They are the ones who make me think and rethink on the decision of changing the city.. I now believe that a city is not beautiful or ugly by the infrastructure or the monuments but the people. And trust me I found great ones around me. I today take this opportunity to thank all those friends who have helped me in some way or the other to survive in this city of dreams and follow my dreams. 

Keep loving Mumbai..... Every Mumbaikar feels it is as his  own.... Amchi Mumbai..... I never thought I could say this but here I am after eight years writing this and feeling it as well.......

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