Wednesday, 8 May 2019

That time when you share the same shoe size with your child......

On this Mother’s Day, here’s to my preteenager and every other preteenager on the block. During your early childhood your mom taught you basic skills like, brushing your teeth, cleaning yourself and eating with fork and knife. So, we can say that your mom taught you to take care of body and learning those skills from her ensured that you had a smooth and a healthy childhood. Your mom in your early childhood taught you to be physically strong and independent.

Now as you are standing at very crucial crossroads of your life, you are what I call a Mini Adult. It is your mom’s duty again to share life lessons and ensure a smooth transition in to adulthood. She must make you emotionally independent and strong in this phase.

Here’s what I would like to share with you……


In this world where carbon copies are celebrated, Be yourself. You are unique in the way you are created and as Joanna Gaines nailed it: The World needs who you were made to be.

In the pursuit of acting cool do not leave back Yourself and the values that make You. I know, it is very difficult to always be yourselves and at times you are left alone without friends. But remember one thing, it is always better to walk alone on the right path then to follow the herd and walk the wrong path. Be original and stay away from fake people and situations.

Choose your herd wisely

As they say, ‘You are a direct product of 5  people you hangout with’. If you ever closely observe, you will always be influenced by at the most 5 people whom you regularly spend time with. This is also called your close circle. You are at the age where 4 out of 5 influencers are your friends. Choose them wisely. They will shape and influence your Being. Do not be a part of something that would embarrass your future self. This is the time to pave the path for your adulthood. Make sure you lay a strong foundation.

Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

Think before you think whether you should waste the power of your thoughts on it or not. As you know, you are radiating powerful vibrations through your thoughts. So, if in life you feel you are surrounded by mean people and situations, very likely, your thoughts are attracting them towards you. Change the channel. Tune in to a higher frequency thought and you will change your tribe. When you start enjoying putting others down, you like to respond rudely, you snap at every conversation and you start taking pride of your achievements, STOP and think, whether you are thinking the right thoughts and sending the right frequency because you will be served what you deserve. Raise the vibrations by thinking about ideas and not people and negativity will automatically repel.

Always do the right thing

Include this in your daily prayers. Always do the right thing no matter what. Do not let anything stop you from doing what is right. Do not fear that you will make people unhappy by doing it. You don’t have to always please people, you aren’t an ice cream. Now you may ask, how do we figure out what is right? The answer lies within You. Listen to your inner voice. You will always get the right answers. Again, the question arises, what if I don’t hear the inner voice? Well, here’s a simple way to know whether you are doing the right thing or not; concentrate on your feelings. If you feel great after a behavior, you did the right thing. If you feel awful, that means, you might want to check your words or actions. No one feels good putting other people down, no one would feel good after a fight and no one would feel great of breaking a rule. You might get a sense of being strong doing all that, but you won’t feel good and that’s the key. If you don’t feel right, that’s not the right thing. Listen to yourself. Every night before going to bed, write a journal, list down your feelings and keep a track of your feelings.

Do not Bully or get Bullied

Let’s understand the psychology behind bullying. Bullying is when someone enjoys pulling you down. Now this is a no brainer, we can only pull-down things that are above us. Even a kindergartner would agree to this. So. The answer is simple, the reason someone is bullying you is because you are above them in some way or the other and they want to pull you down to their level.

Now, you have two choices: either you stoop down to their level, get in to an argument and let them beat you with experience. Remember, you are stooping down to their level, you don’t belong there so you would not know the tricks of the games they are playing. OR, you leave them at their level, do not get affected and concentrate on raising your vibe. In this case they would have to get out of their comfort zones of dirty mind set and step up to your positive mindset, which will be difficult in the beginning but, it would be great for you both. The choices is yours’s and not theirs’s because you are above them. It is your moral duty to lift them and not fall to their level.

I know this is easier said then done, but it is pointless to get affected by bullies. Instead, feel their pain. One would always give what they have. This also implies the fact that next time you are trying to bully someone, always remember you are pulling someone who is above you.

Learn to say NO

No is a complete sentence. There is absolutely no explanation needed for your NO. Remember this, when you are surrounded by toxic people and situations that try to steer you away from your roots, stop, and say NO to yourself and to them.  Let me share a fact here; what happens to the trees in heavy windstorm? The trees that survive a windstorm are not the ones with strong branches or more leaves but, are the ones with strong roots. Infact, the leaves are the first ones to wither in storm. Always, be proud of your roots and keep aligning your personality to your purpose. In the worst storm of life, the people with strong roots would survive and come out clean.

Wear an attitude of gratitude

This might sound old school, but, OH well!! Sooner or later everyone would quote their mom. And you would also quote me later… Let your true character be your brand in this branded world. Do wear an attitude but let it be of gratitude, grace, confidence and respect. Be grateful for everything that you have. Everyone has three things every day to be grateful for. Write a gratitude journal and see how your joys manifest.

Learn to respond, “The Royal Way”. The Royals would always talk with grace and confidence. Bring that in your behavior and you would manifest it in others as well. Remember, you always get what you give. If you give a Royal Treatment to someone, you will attract it back.

You are a product of your choices

We are always told to make wise choices. Life is all about choices that you make. It is about being, doing and becoming and not about expecting, hoping and wishing. After reading this, you again have a choice, either to churn this in your mind and experiment a new way to react and share it with your peers or to live with old ways. The situations will also remain the same and would be thrown at you, It is your choice to choose how to react wisely and royally in any situation that gets thrown your way.

In today’s world we lay so much importance on eating healthy and eating clean. There are so many diets invented for it, like, Keto Diet, Paleo Diet, Plant based diet and so on and so forth. Let’s get on to  the Emotional Quotient Diet to get our emotional strength back. Follow this diet for a month and see how your world manifests into a different reality.

PS: Dear mini adults, if you are old enough to have an I phone of yours’s, you are wise enough to save this blog in your notes folder and read it every day till you ingrain it ..…

Happy Mother’s Day!!
The hand that rocks a cradle….  
….is the hand that rules the world!!
-William Ross Wallace


  1. Great collection of life lessons Chinmayi! Will share it with my 11yr and 8yr old😍 Keep writing ✍️

  2. Very well said and explained Chinmayi!
    We need to share this value and wisdom with our mini teens
