Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Notes to my daughters…..

On my Fortieth Birthday, my older daughter gifted me a journal to pen down my words of wisdom. She said: Mom keep noting down your Life Lessons. We will need it. So, here’s notes to my daughters and anyone and everyone who might stumble upon this writeup. I am praying that it reaches you at the time when you need it the most. These are some lessons I learnt in these 4 decades, some choices which I made only waiting for the time to tell whether they were right or wrong.

Embrace Yourself

You are beyond the number on the calendar and the scale. Embrace yourself fully. The people and the world around have a habit of constantly reminding us of what we don’t have, what we can’t achieve and what is not perfect.

My dear daughter: Embrace yourself with all your imperfections. You are you and just perfect the way you are. Believe me, what you have with you and around you is more important than what you would have had. Don’t stress to make everything perfect. Live in the imperfections, as they define you.

Live your life full of colors, use the whole box of crayon

At times we look out for the sunshine and at times we are the sunshine. Do not box yourself in to any stereotype. Paint the canvas of life with every color. Remember, if we never had a black or grey, we wouldn’t appreciate a green or a yellow. Even the Sun sets to rise again and the dark night follows.

Life is a sport, don’t play it safe

You will never regret the chances you took. You only regret the chances you don’t take. Take risks, seize opportunity and live life to the fullest. Let put it this way; Let’s say our life is like a vacation; We don’t visit Disney every year, when we are there, we make the most of it. Enjoy every ride, face your fears and make memories.  Enjoy this sport of life and don’t play it safe. Get messy, make mistakes and learn lessons.

You are what you think

Your thoughts always manifest into reality. Think Wisely. Think whether you should think about something or not. Do not waste the power of your thoughts on futile people and situation. If it doesn’t matter in five years, don’t spend even five minutes thinking about it.

Luxuries and lies have a huge maintenance cost: choose simplicity and truth instead

I know this will raise a lot of red flags, you might be also be out casted, but, trust me it’s all worth it. Do not get swayed into the world of showing off and fake pomp and show. Stand true to your belief and I can tell you by experience that those who are meant to stay will stay. In the end, it all boils down to the quality and not quantity. Do not get me wrong here, I am not against parties, I love them, all I am saying is stay away from the fakeness.


This is one of my favorite quotes: No need to take revenge, those who hurt you will ultimately screw themselves and if you are lucky, God will have you watch it…

And I add to it: Your best revenge is no revenge; just move on….

You are bigger than a petty squabble, just ignore and carry on with the purpose of life. Karma is a restaurant where everyone gets served what they deserve. So, you move on, and keep your side clean.

Let go of what is hurting your Soul

Forgive and forget not because the other person apologizes, but because you need peace with yourself. Unless you do this those toxic people and situations will occupy a rent-free place in your mind and heart. Let them go and you also move on. Most of what other people do to you speaks a lot about them and not you. Do not wait for a perfect closure to a situation. Some people will never apologize because they simply can’t.

Your past is a story of past

Once you have realized this your past can never influence your future. Always travel light and remember one thing: there are only two situations in life when you cannot do anything: Yesterday and Today. So, live in present and make the most of today.

Instead of To Do List make a To Be list

Strive to Be Happy, Be Human and Be calm and reflect the same to the world. Be your own competition and always keep pursuing to align your personality to your purpose. That’s what is real accomplishment. From where I see it, let me tell you, try and be a giver. Giver always sleeps peacefully.

Build your Legacy

You may ask what my legacy is and how can I build it being so young myself. You legacy is not your money, fame and popularity, your legacy is every life that you touch, every friend that smiles because of you, every teacher that remembers you as a student and every other human being that you interact and talk to. Start building your legacy early on. Count your wealth in terms of intangibles and not tangibles. The fame and money and a great career all come to an end.

Believe in Miracles

If you believe in it, it will happen. Always be grateful for all your situations. Remember God always has a plan. I read these lines somewhere and they always stay with me when I feel down and looks like nothing is working, it says, “God, why did you put me in troubled sea? God Replied, because, your enemies can’t swim”. Always, Always, always remember that. There is a plan which you don’t know of but trust your inner voice and it will guide you.

That’s all for now…. I trust this will reach to every Soul who needs to read this….