Wednesday, 8 March 2017


Once there was a commander of a troop. They had to fight a very tough battle with the enemy who was double his army’s number and strength. The commander took his troops by sea on the enemy’s land. Once everyone had vacated the ships, he gave the orders to burn them. The entire Troop saw that the ships that they came in were burnt. This meant that they could not leave the shore alive unless they WIN. They had no other choice but to Win. It was a situation of DO OR DIE. And guess what, they Won.

I believe it is necessary to burn our ships and that’s when we develop that Burning Desire to Win and that in turn ensures us success. Everyone in this world is wanting to be successful and we notice that when someone is successful, we tend to attribute his success to luck. Let me quote an example here; I am sure a lot of mothers whose kids are well mannered or getting good grades or excelling in different things get to hear this: ‘You are Blessed, you have such a mature Kid’. Successful kids are not just blessed, they are a result of hardworking parents who refused to quit and did not take their failures as final. If were to talk about success, I would say that a very important recipe for success is FAILURE. You might think I have lost it, well, think about it, if there was no fear of failure, there wouldn’t be a burning desire to win. Also, I would add, a lot depends on our attitude when we fail. Attitude is the key component to help us rise.
Whenever we feel low in life, remember, this is not the first time. We have overcome challenges before. When I encounter a failure, I do cry and vent out, but, the very next moment; I dust myself up and put up a strong fight. We all have our burnout and breakdown moments, they cannot be our routine. We must ourselves break the chain of negation and get up and take the control back. Once the grief is conquered, leave, no stone unturned to get out of the situation. Do whatever it takes to make things work. At times, we feel it’s of no use, but believe me, it is for our satisfaction. We should never feel the regret that things would have been different had we put some efforts.

Hence whenever we feel down, dejected or helpless; remember, We never Fail, We either Win or Lean. Keep the Burning Desire to Win on in your lives.